Momentum Cont…
I haven't cracked open this blog in a minute.
It's weird to think that there is a trail of my words here just sitting on the the the the idk but it's weird haha.
Ok now that I got that out of my system.
Last post was May 16, 2023
I was at Madhouse Coffee and trying to find "Momentum". That word was at the forefront of my mind, and I truly wanted to explore it. Sitting here now at Pedal & Pour (Coffee/Bike Shop), I can honestly say that I have gained the Momentum I needed to push even further in my "career". I started to brainstorm about a routine, I experimented with organizing my social channels, I looked around at home and saw what areas needed improvement, I pretty much reevaluated my daily doings and said "I want to do better".
What I've been doing in the past has NOT been working for me, so exploring new things and putting consistency to work has been such a humbling experience. It also comes with a shit ton of patience yall, my goodness. I personally felt like convenience got to my head, and I was itching for that instant gratification. I'm still coming out of my Lazy Girl Era, and listening to myself delegate tasks to myself have been a damn challenge. Sometimes I roll my eyes at that voice in my head...aka my HighEr sELf. I've realized that I'm very stubborn at times (The energy of stubborn-ness runs in my family. Is that even a word?).
Well, now that I see that I have found my momentum, what now?
As always, I gotta keep doing what I'm doing, challenging myself, exploring, getting out of my comfort zone, and more. I have to fine-tune that schedule in detail, show up for myself every day, and continue being my weirdo self. Also while I stay hydrated, fueled with good food, moving my body daily, meditating, and sharing space with another human.
I love this life so much.
It's so much fun, and I feel like I continue to surprise myself.
What else are you cooking up, Lex?
Stay Tuned.
If you are reading this, please know that I appreciate you taking the time to connect with me. Relax a bit, and breathe, for you are safe in this moment. I love you, and I hope you know how much the world loves your energy.