do it…i dare you.

I scrapped the last 2 drafts of this post.

I don’t even know what I want to write about, but I found myself in here, so here we are.

Why do I even have a blog?

I honestly have no idea. I’ve been brainstorming all year about it and I haven’t really came to any conclusions.

But if there’s anything I have learned throughout the years, it’s that you just have to do it. Nike been getting it right. I’m tired of the analysis paralysis, we don’t have time for that shit (thanks pretz for introducing me to that phrase). How do i even get into this analysis paralysis?? I feel like my cycle might be:

  • A bust of creative energy comes/excitement

  • Brainstorm ideas & meditate on things

  • Hypotheticals start popping up

  • Limiting beliefs start to take center stage

  • Fear starts cozying up with those beliefs

  • The blockages start crystalizing

  • Then the mental battle to break from those blockages

  • & repeat over and over.

  • & then my ass is stuck.


We just gotta do yall. And do we shall.

Well anyway, what is up blog.

What is new here? I always get worked up when I give myself an update. Like “what do I even update myself with that will help me in the future?” My energy has been very consistent with my creativity, but I have been consuming way more than I create. I feel like I have finally found 2-3 passion projects I want to jump on, vs before when I had no idea what I wanted to focus on. I do still have a million ideas running through my mind, but I now know that the time will come for them, it’s just not right now.

For now, I have the same narrative in my head regarding my blog, which is for me to document my creative/business journey. I am working towards the goal of working for myself, for I know I will create the career that is unique and special to me. This feels delusional at times, but this delusion will become real…I just know it! This shit is hard. They were not lying about that part. But lucky for me, I can do hard things.


make it stop…